Monday, March 6, 2017

Deep Cleaning: The Key To Immaculate Upholstery

Even the brightest of upholstered furniture would eventually gain a dingy grayed out appearance owing in part to the gradual accumulation of grime and dust in between the fabrics. The layer of grime and dust that accumulates on the furniture’s fabric doesn’t merely mar the appearance of the furniture. It also causes the fabric to wear out faster.

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Regular cleaning can help owners avoid this fate, preventing the dust and dirt from becoming part of the furniture in the process. Thorough cleaning should be performed at least once a season. Maintaining the fresh and new appearance of upholstered furniture requires careful attention and care, as well as a quick hand to deal with the occasional accident.

Bear in mind that some delicate fabrics or sensitive heirloom may require more precise care. Expert consultation is a must when in doubt.

The dust and debris should first be cleared off through a vacuum cleaner set on low and a requisite upholstery attachment. The vacuum’s attachment should move left to right.

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Spot cleaning, often associated with the onset of spills, can also be used to remove less stubborn stains. A specific cleaning agent can be used for this purpose, particularly that without processed silicone. Stains should be cleaned out through light dabs to prevent from spreading. Some types of upholstery, such as WS, can even tolerate cleaning with soap, following a similar careful approach to spot cleaning.

An established leader in furniture protection coverage, Guardian Protection Products, Inc. provides both a broad assortment of protection plans for new furniture and its own line of furniture cleaning products. Visit its website for more on its plans and products.