Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Beware of these huge mistakes in carpet care

Who doesn’t love carpets? They’re extremely comfy and cozy. But they need lots of care. In fact, it would be very easy for the uninitiated to ruin a perfectly good carpet. Here are some of the more common mistakes people make with their carpets. 

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Vacuuming carpets is one of the staples of carpet care. However, homeowners are cautioned against vacuuming new carpets that have yet to have dust and dirt settled in. Vacuuming can flatten the standing fiber of carpets and ruin the whole thing. Non-electric hand sweepers should do the trick. 


One of the rules of thumb of carpet care is never to rub stains. Doing so only spread the undesirable substance. In order to prevent making the situation worse, simply dab the stain with cleaning solutions using a clean cloth. This blots the stain, pressuring it, and soaking the moisture inward. 


Still on the topic of stains, some overzealous owners may use too much water when dabbing. This can harm the carpet in two ways. First, it may cause the carpet to lose its color. Second, using too much water may lead to the shrinking of the carpet. 

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